As a brand new mom the last thing on your mind is probably exercising. Coffee, more sleep and a daydream of the Spa are top of mind but definitely not workout gear, Gatorade, sweat and a pumping heart rate.
However, once the dust settles and your little one is granting you at least 4 hours of sleep in a row, it will do you good to get out and get moving. Exercise is proven to give you more energy and to decrease stress…..two things that a new mom needs more than anything!
I know what you are thinking, “I can barely get a load of laundry done, how the heck am I going to find time to exercise?” Valid question and one that will require a different answer for each individual situation. If you are a new mom with a strong support network, then leverage that network and escape for a 30 minute power walk around your neighborhood or head to the gym for a yoga class. If you are a new mom without the ability to duck out of the house without your little one, then find a creative way to include your little one in your exercise routine.
When I had my first child it was spring so I was lucky. The weather was nice enough that I felt comfortable putting my daughter in her brand new shiny stroller and taking her for a walk at least every other day. She loved the fresh air and I loved it too. Seeing all the new spring flowers blooming was enough for me to rejuvenate and feel great. Whether it’s a stroller, baby carrier or sling, exercising with your little one is a great way to spend time together and satisfy your need to stretch those legs.
As time goes on and you adjust to being a mom, you’ll find more and more options are available to you for creative exercise. You need to think about new ways to get fit. Gone are the days of a 2 hour cardio and weight workout solo at the gym…for a while anyway. When my daughter turned 6 months old I ventured out to the local community centre to join the stroller aerobic classes that were offered there. While I was doing fine on my own with daily walks, I was starting to crave company other than that of my beautiful sleeping daughter….she wasn’t much of a conversationalist. Meet other moms in your neighborhood or seek out community areas where they gather for fitness.
Getting healthy and meeting new friends can create positive energy for you. I met a ton of other new moms and we used the 30 – 45 minute stroller aerobics sessions to share tips and tricks, talk about our challenges and to just be surrounded by like minded adults….all the while getting some well deserved exercise.
As your child grows, outings and exercise will become more frequent and easier for you . You won’t have to pack up the contents of your entire nursery for a 20 minute jaunt around the block. There is some great gear out there to support your new fitness adventures. As you advance into activities like hiking, running or biking, take a look at the special backpacks made for hiking or take your baby for a bike ride in a specially made pull along carrier. The new gear is exciting to investigate and it gets your mind thinking about all the wonderful fitness opportunities.
Remember, this isn’t a race, no pun intended. You have lots of time to get back into shape. Just remember to start slow but be consistent. Frequency and duration will be different for everyone but for the first 6 months of your precious new born’s life…..try to get out at least every other day for a power walk or jog. Your mind and body will thank you. The fresh air and change of scenery will inspire and refresh. Your joints and muscles will rejoice. Enjoy every minute. You deserve it!
Tagged: Activites with Kids, Baby, Body, children, exercise with a baby, Family, fitness and babies, infant, infant care, Motherhood, new baby, new mom, new mom exercise, new mom fitness, New Parents, Parenting, Stroller, stroller aerobics